mood diary

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I spent a week documenting my moods each day with images & text because that's self-care gals
made using alienmelon's Electric Zine Maker

I spent a week documenting my moods each day with images & text because that's self-care gals
made using alienmelon's Electric Zine Maker
I work at a sign shop. as you can imagine we're filling lots of orders during this 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic about physical distancing, hour changes; yknow, Quarantine Stuff™️. anyways i have access to scrap material that can't get used in orders for one reason or another--too small, printer error, physical damage, etc
your gal loves scraps! Quaranzine collages them into "THeSe-UnCeRtAiN-TImEs" Capsules
every weekday in October 2017 i carved one (1) stamp according to a single-word prompt. every weekend i made one (1) zine from those stamps.
for the love of tiny printmaking.