
zine time

thu .

well i've been thinkin bout



I was poking around for some kind of online zine generator tool? something easy that just let me goof around for a bit yknow; whet (sp?) my appetite. I found a bloated over-designed super Corporate Brand $$ drag-n-drop WYSIWYG and thought "ok i'll get away with a rinky-dink free account", BUT ALAS (butt a lass heh) they put the export featured under paywall. anyways i'm gonna share a screenshot of my 1page zine and nobody can stop me

well i did find this actual masterpiece: Electric Zine Maker by alienmelon on, which might i just say has a beautiful landing page. i haven't actually DONE ANYTHING WITH IT YET but wow yes it is exactamento what i was looking for, great work alienmelon i will hug it often and whisper words of affirmation

what i HAVE DONE is some rl arts & crafts cut + paste collage zines using scraps from work (sign shop); went so far as to use discarded proofs from the recycle bin as print media

my plans are to:

  1. scan
  2. save digital file
  4. submit: Quarantine Zine Club
  5. distribute physical zines (safely & cleanly; plastic baggies?)
  6. use my zines page to showcase my work, provide digital copies for printing & folding, infostructions, share links to zine content on the web

I sat down just now and started working on my "How-To" infostructional document--making some changes according to rl experience--but honestly i'm just.. . tired. work has been pretty exhausting these past few weeks with just lil ol me out on the floor. the irony is that i've been daydreaming about doing fun cool creative zine stuff all day while working but now i'm done i'm just. DONE

okay, signing off!

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