I have been fascinated by Daft Punk since I was a teen.
My older brother taped their music videos off The Midnight Block of Toonami for us and we would watch on repeat. I could not get enough of Interstella 5555 when I found out they were making them into a full-length movie. Robot Rock and Technologic were in heavy rotation in my Winamp library on the family PC. I went absolutely bonkers for Random Access Memories in 2013. I cried when they hugged and accepted their album of the year award. I was gutted when they announced the end in 2021.
All that to say: Daft Punk has been in the periphery of my media consumption for a very long time; hovering in and out of my attention at various points. I recently found out that two of my favorite songs to dance to from back in the day, Music Sounds Better With You by Stardust and Call On Me (given to Eric Prydz ... it's complicated) were both produced by Thomas Bangalter. Full circle.
This is about to get a little silly and a little soppy, so like, I don't know, skip the next bits if you're not cool with that.
Their music scratches a really particular itch in my brain and gets me grooving without fail. I hype myself up before work cranking up their mixes in my car and imagining myself raving in the crowd. I never got to see them live but I feel like I'm transported right there everytime I listen to a set.
The characters and the world they built around their music is so wonderful and awesome. It may sound ridiculous but I like to think of them as my robot friends. It brings me joy in my little day-to-day life, especially when I'm feeling lonely.
The robots were my entry point into Daft Punk, but the humans behind the project have become an inspiration to me in terms of artistic vision, creative ownership, dedication, ingenuity, integrity, craftsmanship, partnership, and mutual support of both their influences and contemporaries from Nile Rodgers to Justice. They knew exactly what they wanted and they settled for nothing less. They created secret identities so cool everyone couldn't help but to play along with the fantasy.
Daft Punk 4ever.

A few months ago, February 25 2024 to be precise, after watching all the footage I could possibly find from Alive 2006/2007 sets and basically having a religious experience over it, I found myself falling in love with Daft Punk all over again. I listened to their entire discography including live DJ sets, side projects from Thomas and Guy-Man, watched and read countless interviews, watched my favorite two Alive 2007 concert sets again like five times start to finish, watched Electroma for the first time, re-watched Interstella 5555, bought fan zines, bought fan merch, wistfully perused rare and expensive official merch, browsed fan art, and then finally started making and sharing my own.
I started by animating little pixel sprites of the robots from Discovery alongside my avatar, then put their helmets on the front page of this very website! Then I made their stylish leather jackets from Human After All. Then the light-up Encore suits and the DJ pyramid. Okay, so I'm making Daft Punk animated sprites now I guess! Cool! My hyperfixation extensive research will come in handy.
For this project, I've made nine (9) unique animated sprites of Daft Punk through the years, from their debut album Homework in 1997, to the last appearance of the robots in 2016 for their collaboration with The Weeknd's Starboy. I chose their most iconic looks, all associated with an album, collaboration, movie, and/or live tour.
Reference images are included on this page with source links. Special thanks to The Daft Punk Historian, aka Daft Wub, for his comprehensive work on "Daft Punk: An In Depth History", in addition to regularly sharing images from his collection on social media.